Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Persistent Follow Up or Just Annoying

This is one of the biggest areas most sales people struggle with.  What is the right balance between following up persistently with a prospect versus reaching a harassing level of attempts?

Stand out from a crowd
Do you stand out?
As a sales person, it's our job to figure out how to stand out from the crowd.  Prospects are bombarded with a variety of offers via email, phone, and social media every day.  I recently read an article written by Niti Shah over at HubSpot on this very subject.

The article describes, in my opinion a very thorough approach using phone, email and at times voice mail to break the ice with a prospect.  If you don't have a connection with someone that can help make a personal introduction for you, the approach described in the article may work for you.  As a side note, LinkedIn is a great tool to identify who you know and who can make an introduction to a prospect for you.

Check out the article How to Be Persistent in Sales Without Annoying Your Prospects on HubSpot's blog.

How do you stay fresh in a prospects mind?  How do you know when it's time to call it quits or as they mention in the HubSpot article, when to "break up"?

At Stitch to My Lue Promotions, we've started using an approach that will complement the ideas mentioned in this article.  We are seeing great results and getting in front of new prospects with a high conversion to actual clients.  If you have a business to business focus, we'd love to share this strategy with you to see if it's a good fit for your organization.  Contact us here if you would like more information on this effective program.

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